Friday, July 20, 2007

Staying home today

Jordan had a rough night. He was uncomfortable, grimacing and restless a good part of the night. He had more bowl movements & they were large and not him norm. He woke late this morning and seemed to be gasping & scared. His stoma by his trach has a red spot. We changed his trach to be sure he was ok, and gave him some cuddles. He began to have a different type of twitching & tremors. He did have another seizure. The last couple days he has not been quite himself but not enough to say what or if anything was wrong. He did have some increased twitching yesterday but they would go away on their own, he was also unhappy.

Sometimes it is really hard to tell what is actually going on. I don't think he is sick at this time. But something with his brain & seizure activity is happening. I called his neurologist & he won't be in until Monday. I would rather wait it out until Monday since this doctor knows Jordan & his history. I would not want someone else adjusting his medicines, which is what it is looking like what might be needed. We gave him Diastat this morning & he is resting comfortably now.

We all hope & pray for no more episodes this weekend. This morning was different than his usual episodes. I am not sure what could be going on with him but I will defiantly be consulting his doc on Monday. I have the weekend to get my thoughts together, go through old notes & hopefully by Monday after talking to doc have a plan to help Jordan.

I started this blog this morning. Justice has been a computer hog. It is now 3:30 p.m. and Jordan is still sleeping. He was up all night & did have a seizure & diastat which is enough to make anyone sleep all day. I will be keeping a close eye on him & hope he wakes up later, or gets back to normal by morning. If not he is going to have to go to the hospital. I don't think he needs to yet, but as I said these episodes were a bit different.

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