Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Spring 2006

All was good for two years. No vomiting. My only concerns for Jordan in that time were leveling his medications, getting him to therapies, and trying to get him to feed orally. Then, in April of 2006 he suffered his first pneumonia. For the next two months he would be a sick little boy. He had his first fever seizure.

Some of the times between April & August of 2006 are a blur, but some things are etched in my brain forever. The day he had that seizure was one of those. I took him to the ER, an hour away because the local hospital could not take care of his complex issues. I was alone with no help and had to bring Justice with me. Justice is the reason I can't forget it. He was so scared for his little brother, he didn't even want to look at him. He turned down a Popsicle, and just wanted to "run away" I had to give doctors information, medications & history while Justice was in a near panic. Because I had to keep him from running away, I could not be there for Jordan. He was being treated at that time. I remember standing in the doorway of Jordan's ER room, Justice clung to me all arms & legs, with about 5 people trying to get information from me.
After they finally got Jordan stable, I told Justice "Jordan was ok now" & then he went in his room. He still didn't want to look at him but he glanced to be sure he was still there.

During the spring of 2006, Jordan was in & out of the hospital. On June 16, he began vomiting again. Which led to more hospital visits. More pneumonias, more fevers, and changing doctors. We were given oxygen and a pulse/02 monitor. His vomiting never stopped. I had thought he needed the fundo repaired. While trying to get answers to Jordan's GI issues, his respritory issues began to take precedence. Because he would not keep any nutrition down, they gave him a
picc line and he received his nutrition TPN.

Eventually he had a GJ tube placed. He was sent to Chicago to have it placed. Jordan was home for about a week and the catheter recoiled.
The food was being fed to his stomach again, so naturally he began vomiting. After being in the hospital for so long, and continued vomiting, when the catheter in his GJ tube recoiled again, I had him transferred to Chicago.

This began a two month stay in Chicago. A team of specialists looked at all of Jordan's conditions but again, respiratory issues took precedence.

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