Sunday, July 15, 2007


I did not get a chance to post yesterday. Jordan had another seizure & required Diastat. I have not posted on this blog his seizure history so here is a brief background.

In march Jordan began having several seizures, almost every day or so. He never really had seizure issues in the past other than fever or trauma related. Calls to the neurologist and increasing & adding seizure medications seemed to help them. He would still have mild seizures daily, but they would go away on their own.

After consulting with his neuro doc, it was discussed that if we medicate more to make the seizures go away completely, he would be too drugged & listless. Therefore, it was decided to keep him at his current dose, allow some mild seizures, so that Jordan may have a more active quality of life. However every other week he has had the larger seizures, they don't go away on their own, & diastat needs to be administered to make them stop.

Yesterday was one of those days. The seizure & the Diastst make him very sleepy.
He slept up until mid afternoon, then woke & was in good spirits. I will be calling his neuro. doc. tomorrow, just to see his take on things. Chances are he will say the same thing as before & I agree. Jordan has not been this active, alert & happy for a long time.

He enjoys life & takes everything in. I can not deprive him of that. I will just have to space out time frames between known stimulating environments.

As evening came, my friends came by. Adrienne & I stayed in the house to watch over Jordan, the boys set up the tents & made smores. See Justices page for his updates. After a while, the boys came in & watched movies & we adults played cards. It was a very nice evening.

Jordan went to bed around 8:00p.m. and had a good uneventful night. Today we will be going for a walk & play in the yard, something calm for the peanut.

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