Thursday, July 5, 2007


As time went on, while trying to teach Jordan to bottle feed, and compensating with g-tube feeds for the lack of nutrition he could orally take in, he would vomit, more and more each time. Hours of oral feeding would come up in seconds. We did not have a pump at that time for tube feedings. We were feeding with gravity, and we did not have any extensive training with tube feeding. We had to figure it out on our own. Jordan had to be slowly fed, a little at a time with breaks in between, just to ensure his stomach could handle the volume & keep the food down. We were feeding 30cc (1oz) every 15-20 minutes.

Finally, after a few months of this (about 2 or 3) he was diagnosed with reflux. It all made sense now. Well, some of it made sense. After trying several different reflux medications, he was finally prescribed Prevacid and my little screaming infant had finally found some relief.

To think, all this time he was in pain. Absolutely heart wrenching. Who would know that this was only the first of many heart wrenching realizations we would come to.

The prevacid helped ease the pain but, did not stop the vomiting.

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