Monday, January 28, 2008

Nice & quiet

Things have quieted down here finally. It took a few more days for Jordan to finally get over his latest illness but he did it & he is quite stable now. As for his seizures, they are still present but less frequent. Sometimes they are more intense than others but there is definite improvement. The Keppra seems to have helped I just don't know if it's temporary or not. Time will tell. Some days are better than others & there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why.

He is very happy in general. I talk to him about his Sponge Bob party & he gets excited. He is still into sponge Bob but I don't know how long it will last. He could care less about the transformers I bought him for Christmas until Justice showed interest in them. He likes to watch us change them from robot to car.

Day nursing hours are pretty well covered but nights are very scarce. Hopefully a new nurse will appear soon so I can get steady sleep. Jordan slept through the night the last few nights in a row. If he can keep doing that & I can time his feeding just right I would only have to get up 1-2 times in the night. If he is sleeping he doesn't need much suctioning. If I time his feeding right, it wont alarm during the nigh or run empty & maybe, I wouldn't have to change his pants so often. It worked 2 nights so far so I will test that theory again later in the week & see how we do. It is all up to Jordan though.

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