Thursday, November 8, 2007

Jordan update

Things have been pretty good here. Jordan is going through medication adjustments, so there are ups & downs with him. His phenobarb is being decreased while his topomax is being increased.
One change I have noticed is he is sleeping very well at night. The goal is to completely wean him off the pheno. He still has daily seizures and usually two rather intense seizures each day. None have needed rescue meds and they typically taper off on their own. The weaning process will take a while so I am sure there are changes to come, hopefully in a positive direction.

Jordan still takes a few naps a day but I think he is more alert when awake. His new favorite show on tv is sponge bob. Jordan rolls his eyes at "baby shows" now. No more elmo or sprout. He also gets upset if you change the channel on him & turn off any cartoon. He has been doing well in his stander & chair. And playing with his switch toys. Not like he used to, but more than he has been since the seizures started.

He wakes in the morning to say good bye to everyone then, when Justice is off to school he falls asleep again for a few hours. It's hit or miss when his teachers come by to work with him. He tries so hard to stay awake in the evening until his dad comes home. And he is always wide awake when Justice comes back home. Justice is such a good brother. He plays games with him & interacts so well to include Jordan in play. Jordan loves any attention he gets from his brother.

My hope is things keep moving in a positive direction, which they slowly seem to be. I have been working when I can & now trying to stash $ for Christmas. Jordan needs toys. I should have his wish list link on this site. He has become picky, as if it weren't already hard to shop for him.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Jordan had a great time trick-or-treating. He made it all the way around the block. It was cold but he kept smiling the whole time. By the time we got back to our house his tray had 2 pumpkins full of candy (one was Justices), they were overflowing on to his tray, & 2 cans of pop. He was king of trick-or-treating last night & had bouncy stiff & kicking legs & stiff arms (he does that when he is excited) Sorry I didn't get a picture, we had a bit of a commotion with sugar brother &, had to change Jordan in a hurry (he made a stink;) Mike got home early so we all went out together, even Chewy. The boys were power rangers & Jordan liked having a big boy costume this year.
It was a gret day & was very nice to see Jordan so happy.

Jordan has been very good lately. Still has episodes daily but none which require meds, the seizures have been stopping within a suitable time frame. He had quite a few yesterday morning but I think he was excited about Halloween & he got very excited when I showed him his costume in the morning. He has been happy and more awake & alert and, participating more with his teachers. Keep up the good work Jordan!